Monday, August 15, 2011

my dream cake!!

YAY!!! i finally made the cake of my childhood dreams!!
it was my beautiful sisters birthday on the weekend and she requested the candy castle cake from the australian women's weekly children's birthday cake book- the cake we have both dreamed of since we were 5! you may remember my prevoious post here... it was actually fairly difficult to do.. and the lollies are wonky... kind of on purpose...  but in the end i was so happy with how it turned out... so, so, so cute!!


  1. This is MY cake!! I made my mum make it for me a few times as a little girl, covered in meringue and pink and white marshmallows. Then for my 21st birthday Mum asked me what cake I wanted at my party, it could be only one cake: the pink princess marshmallow cake! We had a cakemaker make it and it was amazing with a moat and a drawbridge. Oh I want another one!

  2. Here's to AWW cake book! So many childhood memories. Love the dolly mixture of my fave lollies, it looks great!

  3. I love it! And I remember that cake!!

  4. i love it! we also had that book when we were kids :) x

  5. This is so wonderful. I also remember that book from my childhood. We would scour the pages as it came closer to each birthday coming up with ideas of what we wanted. Now I do the same with planet cake and blogs like yours. I am so glad I inherited my love of cake making from my mum, I always have great decorating company :)

  6. It looks absolutely adorable! What little (and not so little) girl wouldn't love this?!
