Monday, November 5, 2012

novelty classes at planet cake!

a couple of weeks ago i attended the novelty 107 dragon and novelty 108 wine bottle class at planet cake! CC was a really great teacher, i learnt HEAPS over the 6 days and added a few new skills to my list... like airbrushing, using gloss and structuring 3d cakes... i probably still wont be making too many novelty cakes too soon but it might come in handy one day...!

the best thing is that i gave the dragon cake to nathalie's boys (who took it to school) and later i received these sweet cards in the mail- oh! so adorably sweet!! it totally made my day! but the wine bottle ended up in the bin, i am sorry to say.. i just didnt have anything to do with it and my friends are sick of me giving them cake!