Wednesday, September 12, 2012


this is bruce! he is a bit of a legend around newcastle, he has been running antique sounds, a record and antique shop at 175 king st for 16 years.... he is happy because he is retiring and selling his shop...!!!!
i am SUPER-MEGA-OVER-THE-MOON excited that it is ours!!!!!! 


there is a bit of work to do first but this will be my adorable little cake shop soon!!! it is the perfect little size in a really great part of the city- i am so so so so so excited!!
this is my absolute dream come true and i am so grateful for my amazingly supportive tom and my amazing family who have helped me so much since i first started my business xx


  1. This is the best news ever Naomi! A big congratulations to you.

  2. That IS super-mega exciting news! Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations that is so exciting and such a dream come true. I can only imagine how beautiful it will be xx

  4. Congratulations! Super mega excited for ya!!!!

  5. Yippeeeeee ! wonderful, good luck, cant wait to visit once you are open !

  6. Awwwwww..... super duper excited for you! Hoping to do the same sort of thing myself shortly. :D

  7. What fantastic news, I can't wait to see what it ends up looking like. So happy that your dreams are coming true.

  8. It's wonderful to read the joy of a talented person who realizes her dreams! Many congratulations!!!

  9. Wow the best news! Very happy for you and already cannot wait to visit!

  10. How exciting! I know you will make it look fabulous. I will be coming to visit as soon as you are up and running. xx

  11. Oh that is wonderful :D:D Congratulation and I bet you will have lots of fun and ideas to make it most beautiful cakes shop ever :D:D:D

  12. Congratulations Naomi! I am so excited for you - dreams don't just happen, they require determination, hard work & inspiration. You have it all! Good luck for the future & I can't wait to see the new shop.

  13. THANKS SO SO SO MUCH!!!! i really appreciate everyones support and i cant wait to see you guys in my shop- i promise it will have the most amazing cake you have tasted and be the cutest cake shop you have seen! xx

  14. I am coming to visit next time I am in Newy! So exciting!

  15. This post made me smile. Congratulations to you!

  16. I'm a little late reading this, but wanted to say congratulations on your new little cake shop!!! How exciting!
