Tuesday, August 2, 2011

les puces! the paris flea markets!

'visit paris flea markets' has been on my to do list since i first read about it on oh happy day! i LOVED exploring the little lanes and i loved all of the styling! ... although i dont really think it was styled on purpose...! if you are visiting paris i highly reccommend a little trip there, i could have spent ages looking for treasure and i could have bought lots of things if i had space in my suitcase! there are some great directions on the oh happy day blog here!


  1. Such pretty pictures! I love the one of the keys! I just returned from Paris myself. We visited the flea markets as well!

    Check out my Parisian giveaway at http://patisserieparis.blogspot.com/2011/07/parisian-giveaway.html

  2. Oh my! That is so gorgeous, I think I would have bought it all LOL!

  3. What a treasure trove! Can imagine what a thrill it must have been just looking around. :-)

  4. Thank you so much for the journey, I enjoyed it so much. I would have had trouble controlling myself. Loved my visit to your blog. Hope to see you over at my place soon. Cheers Kerry

  5. oh my goodness i could easily spend a fortune. are the prices high or reasonable? fantastic pictures!
