Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the most influential book of our time- now in reprint!

i was so so so excited to see my all time favourite book has been pulled out of the archives for reprint! the australian women's weekly children's birthday cake book is probably the reason i am now a cake decorator, i used to LOVE looking through mum's book, trying to choose my favourite... ahh the memories! 
these are just a few of my all time favourite designs (the lollies on the cake had a significant influence on these decisions), but only now do i apreciate the vintage goodness aswell!

 i highly reccommend stopping by your local newsagents to pick one up!


  1. Thanks for the post Naomi - I'll definitely be snapping one (or a few) up!
    Danielle x

  2. Hi Naomi! A facebook fan page with cakes devoted to cakes from this book has been made by Melbourne Gastronome..it's here http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2356371047

    I love this book!

  3. I am so excited that this is in reprint! I still have my old copy but it is a little bit worn. I have wanted to make the lolly shop cake for ages. It's great to see it pictured here as a reminder..

  4. What wonderful memories I have similar ones as well. My own kids now sit and flick through my books to choose their own cakes. Yup it's often the ones with lots of lollies that catch their eyes as well.

  5. Between my brother and I we probably had nearly every cake in this book, my favorite was the purple witch. I have my my Mum's very old copy, its very nice to see it reprinted.

  6. This looks fantastic.... wish I would live in Australia to get a copy!

  7. LOVE it! So many wonderful and inspiring ideas!

  8. Vintage Edition? I can't be THAT old! Another great book to add to my collection:)

  9. Any ideas of how the -non Australian residents can purchase one?
    I work for a pastry magazine and it would be more than inspiring!

  10. it is nice to see that everyone shares similar memories! i think i will have to make my sister the castle cake for her birthday this year.. hmm i might make the candy shop one for myself!

    the good news is that you can find it online too- just google it but here are a couple of examples + the first one ships overseas!

